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Water Resources Engineering Research Group

This relates to the prediction and management of both quality and quantity of water in both underground(aquifers) and above ground (lakes, rivers, and streams) resources. Water resource engineers analyse and model very small to very large areas of the earth to predict the amount and content of water as it flows into, through or out of a facility. The research interests of the group span a range of topics which fall under these two broad thematic  areas:

  1. Water  Management,  Governance,  Policy and Planning;
  2. Water Systems and Hydrologic  Modelling.

Also across these two broad thematic areas is the cross cutting theme of understanding the nature of hydrologic variability and change (Theme 2) as they are related to changing climate and land cover/land use and its impact on Water Resources Management (Theme 1). Research is carried out through a combination of hydrologic modeling, laboratory and field works, stakeholder involvement as well as the use of cutting-edge technologies in hydro-geophysics and remote sensing.

The following are Ongoing and Proposed Research Projects under this group

  • Long-term analysis of major climate variables and their relevance to water resource management in Ghana
  • Mapping of the irrigation potential in the Volta Basin
  • Examining the relationship between hydro climatological variables and high flow events in the Volta basinEffects of small reservoir on shallow groundwater systems in the Semi-arid parts of Ghana
  • Assimilation of satellite-derived precipitation into regional hydrological models in data scare basins.
  • Distributed hydrologic modeling for flow forecasting using high-resolution satellite data
  • Improving precipitation estimation over the Volta basin by applying the Persiann system, TRMM, TAMSAT,  CMORPH, CRU-TS and gauge  data
  • The impacts of digital elevation model data type and resolution on hydrologic modeling
  • Hydrologic modeling for flood control in Ghana
  • A hydrogeological evaluation and feasibility analysis of artificial groundwater recharge and recovery in the Volta basin
  • The use of environmental tracers to determine relationships between aquifers and dugouts in the Northern sector of Ghana